Tuesday, February 26, 2013

No News is Good News

I guess I have developed a bit of a pattern here of only posting when things are more difficult. Oops! I haven't meant to. I guess it's just that those are the times I need help to "cope" and I find journaling helpful.

E is still panicking about Primary school, but has stopped worrying so much about me staying in the car park. I don't know if I have even spoken about that before? I should read my own blog for once! We seem to have effectively closed the door on the 'waiting in the car park' discussion by refusing to answer the question after answering it once. It took a few hundred "I've already answered this question" responses, but now it is done.
He is not sleeping very well worrying about he next step in his educational career. We are doing what we can to help him with the help of our psychologist. Husband face and I have an appointment tomorrow at the clinic where they observed us. Hopefully they have some more insight for us.
I really want to get him out of his hot, heavy jumper with a hood as I know he is struggling with the heat at school. It is his security blanket and removing it results in waves of panic.

Mostly I think we are doing really well. The kids are fighting a lot and I am not managing to not yell (follow that train of thought?) but I am making a concerted effort to be more relaxed within myself which is helping.

Peace out

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I have been meaning to update here for a while now. So much has happened!

E is going so beautifully at school. They actually can't believe there is anything "wrong" with him which is of course making us doubt it ourselves! He plays, interacts, chats, helps, tidies, whatever. He spends much of his time with the hood of his jumper up though which is getting a bit hard for him, I can tell. He really feels the heat so he says he doesn't like playing outside there much.
He brings homes wonderful drawings and paintings. He doesn't talk much about his day there, but he generally seems relaxed when I pick him up.

At home we are struggling a bit. He asks over and over about school when he is not there. He asks specifically this exact question "will you wait in the car park?" He asks probably 100-200 times a day. I mostly ignore him and change the subject, but some times I say I will wait for him as I haven't seen the harm until now. I wonder if he keeps asking because he knows I am lying. I am feeling awful about it, but fortunately have an appointment with his psychologist in the morning so will ask how to tackle it.
It was put to me in a way which has made me get a little deeper in to his questioning. If he keeps asking the same question, then what is he really saying? What does he really want to know? what is he really unsure of? All he says is that he wants me to wait in the carpark so it 'doesn't take me too long to get there' to pick him up. I am some times late for things, but usually on time. Is he afraid I will forget him? Or be so late that he will be left alone there?
I don't know.
It has escalated now in to anxiety about going to Primary school (big school) next year. It will be the first year of mandatory schooling. He was awake for what felt like hours last night sobbing about it, and again this afternoon. Another reason I am glad to see the psych tomorrow.

We also see the OT tomorrow. It is a new OT. He has had an assessment with them which was mostly really positive, but there are a few things they suggested we work on. But again, what is anxiety, what is sensory, what is both? What causes what?

And last but not least we had an assessment with the child and adolescent mental health clinic. It was very intimidating (think us in front of a one way mirror, behind which sat a number of psychiatrists observing us!) He handled it well though and to be honest I feel guilty for taking the spot of someone who probably needs the help a lot more than we do. Nevertheless, they want to help us with what WE want help with, and we want help with teaching him to reduce anxiety.

So all in all, things are reasonable! I am tired. A gastro bug has swept through our house like wildfire. Combine that with a very anxious 4 year old and a rambunctious 2 year old and that makes for one exhausted Me.

And on that note, I am off to sleep.