Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Appointment Avoidance, and Redbank House

I did make it to my GP appointment today, but had to leave E behind in the end, which meant leaving him with my Mum while she was at work - far from ideal. From the moment he woke up, there were tears and whinging about not wanting to go. This quickly escalated to the point of him almost vomitting, and not being able to control his breathing while I tried to put him in the car. And of course, this coincided with a tantrum by M who did not want to wear a dress, but wanted to wear just a nappy and dirty t-shirt. Farkleberries. So, I conceded defeat and asked my Mum to have him, which also meant we did not so the preschool visit. We will try again tomorrow.

While I was there, I did what I'm sure all GPs hate, and said "while I'm here... Can I quickly talk about E?" I asked for a referral for E to a place called Redbank House. Redbank House is a child and adolescent psychiatric treatment centre and school. Our pediatrician had suggested it when we saw him, and we wanted to look in to it a bit more. I am Really struggling with him at the moment, and part of their services include parent support and parenting skills type stuff which we think might be useful. So, I am shit scared but perhaps it will help.

We are also in the process of putting our house on the market for sale, and I owe the solicitor some paperwork I completely forgot about.

Need. A. Holiday.

But will instead spend afternoon lounging in front of Telly with children (as much as humanly possible, at any rate!) while editing some photos. Housework? Pff. Housework is for suckers.

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