Monday, November 26, 2012

That Familiar Feeling...

of DREAD! Ugh!

I managed to book E in for a speech assessment tomorrow morning. He doesn't know yet that we are going. I don't want to risk him losing sleep worrying about it. The speech pathologist seems very nice. She had a son with autism herself, and has a special interest in helping families who have children 'on the spectrum.' We discussed whether or not we though he even needed therapy (remembering that husband and I never even considered it for E until our occupational therapist suggested it), and her opinion based on what I told her is that he would probably benefit more from time spent at preschool or with other kids than he would from therapy. But we (she and I) decided to go ahead and assess him anyway, and see if any concerns are raised.
She needs him to be calm (unlikely), cooperative (highly unlikely) and preferably, alone (impossible.) She had also requested we leave M at home. Any time we go somewhere without her, he knows it will be intense, but I understand it from the therapist's point of view.

M is actually getting considerably harder to take to E's appointments. She is approaching 2 years old, and is really living up to the role of the tantruming toddler! She has developed a particular dislike of wearing nappies, but is not ready for toilet training, so every nappy change is like wrestling a tiny crocodile. If you can get the nappy on her, she generally manages to figure how to take it off, quite often in public, and rolls about on the ground squealing "I a sushi roll! I a sushi roll!"
I imagine it will get trickier before it gets easier.

Anyway, wish me luck. Next blog post I will talk about something called Ambivalent Attachment. I bet you can hardly wait ;)

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